
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Salt and Light


Colossians 4 : 5-6
Be wise in the way you act towards outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

How can we be a living testimony of Christ to others ? Every believers are given the mission to be the salt and the light of the world , but how often have we been the salt and the light to others ?

Salt is one of a spices to flavor the dishes. When a dish is not salty , it is remarkably a not tasty dish. Likewise, if our faith is not salty to others, people will not regard it as a true and living faith but more of a religion that bounds people.
Light is a strong opposition of darkness. When there is light, there is no darkness. In a dark room, if you light a candle, the candle will glow brightly and lightens up the whole room.

As a Christian, being a light is our mission. We are assigned to show others the right way , the right thing to do.As a Christian , we are to show that Christianity is a living faith but not a religion. 

How can we do that ? How can we be the salt and the light ? In Matthew, Jesus commanded us that our actions should be glorifying God. One of the actions that Christians are vulnerable to make mistakes is by what we speak.

What we speak shows what we think and what we believe . If our words are gossips , foul languages , these shows that our thoughts and intentions and we do not have a LIVING faith.

If our words are of wisdom, comfort, gentleness, what do they see ? They see a Christ image in us.

Everyday we had the opportunity to meet with people that has not believe in Jesus. Have you make most of your opportunity to show them that Jesus is living in you . Have you been a salt and a light in their lives ? Reflect what you had done yesterday and today. If you hadn't make most of your opportunities , think how can we be a salt and light to them.

God bless

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