
Thursday, May 17, 2012


Isaiah 54 : 2 “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide , do not hold back; lengthen your cords,  strengthen your stakes.

Expansion is a sign of growing. When we grow , we expand ourselves in size, in knowledge , in our social network. We expand as we grow.

Its coming to the end of May, its time when students should be going for internship , some may have already start working. Regardless you are in an internship or have started working, you are now expanding into another realm ,which is not limited in the boundaries of knowledge but on personal experience.

If you are in an internship, its an adjusting period for you, to adjust the change from a student to a working staff. You will find hard to fit yourself into the environment especially when you are not prepared . During your internship ,its actually helping you to prepare and to get ready for yourself for your future working environment. It helps you to gain experience and skills.

If you are working , the first two years will probably be the hardest and the toughest period in your career. The first two years is a job-recognition period for your superior, your management, your company to build an impression of you. Also, the first two years is a skill-recognition period . In the University, there are always things untaught, and you need to learn in the marketplace , you have to experience it yourself , such as dealing with critics, working with others, how to leave a good impression for your boss. Everyone learns differently so its hard to have people to teach you, you have to learn yourself.

Therefore, in Isaiah 54 :2 , it says you should lengthen yourselves, expand yourselves, broaden yourselves. During internship and working, you will find yourself being expanding , your social skills, the way you manage are expanding. 

Thus, do not set limits to yourself, be flexible . If your internship is not working smoothly, learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat again in your future career. Internship is a replica or a module of your future working environment. I have discovered that, if you keep failing in a particular section, wherever you go, you will keep learning that particular section until you passed . Learn , and start preparing yourself for working . You can start praying for your future job and ask God to help you during working.

If your job is not very smooth-sailing , no achievement , you need to take a review of your job, evaluate your attitude, your talents, your skills and also your weak points. Learn from every fallen step. However, these 2 years may be considered as a test, can you advanced into another higher level or you have to stay back. Life is continuously learning, and I believe you will learn more and experience God more during working.

Lastly, do not hold back of yourselves, try to adjust into the environment, keep up your faith , its quite common when people backsliding in faith during their college to their job-working period. Hence, I like to encourage you to keep hold of your faith, you will find that the Bible actually provide many answers to the situations you faced, and many words of encouragement and inspiration to keep hold of you. Also, don't work alone, work as a team. Making friends are really important in your career. However, choose your friends wisely, a wise friend helps you, a foolish friend harms you .

If it happens that you are not having an internship or start working yet, may this post prepares you for your future , if you happen to be in an internship or started working, I pray that this post may enlighten you and prepare you for expansion.

God bless !

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Learn to accept others

Everyone are different, are you willing to accept others ?

This week we learned about gifts. We learned that gifts are a blessing and a tool to spread God's blessings.What belong to us are used to spread God's blessings ? Our talents are a blessing , our character / personality are also a blessing too !

God created everyone with different personalities . Some may be cheerful , shy , aggressive , passive . We live in a big environment that is mixed with different kinds of people , with different personalities. Why wouldn't God created an environment with the same personality as ours ? 

Rainbow is made up of 7 totally different colors , yet these color combination make the rainbow attractive . Likewise, because of the difference in personalities , it makes our life as attractive as a rainbow. If a rainbow consist of only one single color - what do you think it would look like ? I'm sure its not as breathtaking and beautifying as before.

Its hard to imagine to live with people that share the same character as us. God created us with different characters so that all things work together . Are you willing to change your opinion , learn how to accept others , although they might not be the one you like. 

A successful social person is to know how to socialize with all different kinds of people whether you like them or not .  

Matthew 5 : 44

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

Let us change our attitude and begin to accept others !

Friday, May 4, 2012

On Fire


Fire is so powerful that it burns everything.

Have you ever play with fire ? I do . How does it looks like ? Fire is something that is disastrous and it burns everything that blocks its way. Fire brings irreversible consequences.

What will happen if we are on fire - in spiritually and emotionally ?

To be " ON FIRE " , it means you are enthusiastic about something. Your enthusiasm will push you , motivates you to get it in whatever cost . What are you enthusiastic of ? Is it the right thing for you to be enthusiastic of ?

God gave everyone PASSION and also by grace , God wants us to be a Passionate person ,  God wants us to be on fire - be enthusiastic in what we are doing . Sometimes, we lack of enthusiasm , hence we failed to achieve most of the goals that we had and the goals that God has set for us.

On the other hand, Having the right goal is just the first step, You have to keep your fire burning- continuously being passionate and enthusiastic . Its not easy to stay enthusiastic always when there are disappointments and failures . If you are now in disappointments , remember that as fire burns everything that blocks its way , likewise overcome , get through everything that is stumbling you from getting what you had.

Lastly, we serve a God whom is enthusiastic. God is enthusiasm in everything , He puts in his best in everything . As the children of God, shouldn't we learn from him , learn his enthusiasm ? Remember, God does not like up to give up on something easily - especially when its something that God wants you to do ! I believe, a successful person and a person after God's heart is a ENTHUSIASTIC person.
Let us Be on fire and burn for him !

God bless !

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Why does God create assignments ?


Can't seem to understand why do we need to do assignments ?
 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ ( Matthew 25 : 21 )
Recently, most of my uni friends are busying with their assignments and upcoming exams . Hardly, we can find students finding contentment in their assignments . Why does God create assignments ? Why do we need to have assignments in our UNI life ?

If you had noticed the domain of our blog, you'll find an interesting number~ 521. What does it means ? Here is the story.

In Matthew 25: 14- 28 records a parable taught by Jesus. The parable mentioned of a wealthy man whom had 3 servants. One day, the wealthy man needs to go to a faraway place, so he called the 3 servants , he gave the first one 5000 dollars, the second one 2000 dollars and the last one 1000 dollars.

Before the story continues, which of the 3 servants would you want to be ? The first, the second or the third ? Most people will choose to be the " first " servant.

What happened after the wealthy man left home ? The first servant began to set up a business , and he earned another 5000 dollars. The second servant also earned another 2000 dollars. But the third servant didn't earned another 1000 dollars, but he buried the money . In the end , the first and the second servant was rewarded , the third servant was chased out of the house.

The dollars here represents the talents , gifts , skills and the knowledge that God has gave us all. When God create assignments, HE is like the wealthy man , whom gave us all the talents we need. 

Assignments builds character . It increases your knowledge to the subject you took, and it prepares you for entering into the marketplace in the future.

We all are gifted somehow, but if we are not properly trained, equipped , the talents are wasted - like how the third servant buried his talents underground. What matters the most is not how many talents we have, but how many talents are properly used ?

When you have start working, which stage of your student life will you miss the most? Most people will miss their university life and the assignments they had.

Assignments may be stressful , challenging when you have limited time to complete it . On the contrary , assignments fashions you , motivates you and brings you to a higher level.

Are you busying with assignments right now? Learn to look it as a test from God and start learning to cherish all these learning opportunities you had.One day, you will find it helpful .

God bless !