
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Why does God create assignments ?


Can't seem to understand why do we need to do assignments ?
 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ ( Matthew 25 : 21 )
Recently, most of my uni friends are busying with their assignments and upcoming exams . Hardly, we can find students finding contentment in their assignments . Why does God create assignments ? Why do we need to have assignments in our UNI life ?

If you had noticed the domain of our blog, you'll find an interesting number~ 521. What does it means ? Here is the story.

In Matthew 25: 14- 28 records a parable taught by Jesus. The parable mentioned of a wealthy man whom had 3 servants. One day, the wealthy man needs to go to a faraway place, so he called the 3 servants , he gave the first one 5000 dollars, the second one 2000 dollars and the last one 1000 dollars.

Before the story continues, which of the 3 servants would you want to be ? The first, the second or the third ? Most people will choose to be the " first " servant.

What happened after the wealthy man left home ? The first servant began to set up a business , and he earned another 5000 dollars. The second servant also earned another 2000 dollars. But the third servant didn't earned another 1000 dollars, but he buried the money . In the end , the first and the second servant was rewarded , the third servant was chased out of the house.

The dollars here represents the talents , gifts , skills and the knowledge that God has gave us all. When God create assignments, HE is like the wealthy man , whom gave us all the talents we need. 

Assignments builds character . It increases your knowledge to the subject you took, and it prepares you for entering into the marketplace in the future.

We all are gifted somehow, but if we are not properly trained, equipped , the talents are wasted - like how the third servant buried his talents underground. What matters the most is not how many talents we have, but how many talents are properly used ?

When you have start working, which stage of your student life will you miss the most? Most people will miss their university life and the assignments they had.

Assignments may be stressful , challenging when you have limited time to complete it . On the contrary , assignments fashions you , motivates you and brings you to a higher level.

Are you busying with assignments right now? Learn to look it as a test from God and start learning to cherish all these learning opportunities you had.One day, you will find it helpful .

God bless !

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